ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Armenian cultural heritage in Turkey

Okay, so imagine you have a bunch of toys that belong to your family. Those toys are really important to your family because they tell a special story about where your family comes from and what your family believes.

Well, for a long time, there was a group of people called the Armenians who lived in a place called Turkey. The Armenians had their own special toys too, like buildings, art, music, and food that were important to their culture and history.

But then something really sad happened. A long time ago, the leaders of Turkey didn't like the Armenians and they did mean things to them. They hurt many Armenians and even forced them to leave their homes and belongings behind.

Many years have passed since then, but some of the Armenians' toy-like things are still in Turkey. These things are called Armenian cultural heritage. It's really important that we remember and take care of these things because they're a part of the Armenians' story, even if the Armenians can't be there themselves anymore.

So, it's kind of like when you visit your grandma's house and she shows you all the special things that have been in your family for years. Even though you might not have seen those things before, they're still important to your family's history. The Armenian cultural heritage in Turkey is kind of like that, but on a bigger scale.