ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Armoured bus

Imagine a big bus that is very strong and tough, like a superhero. This bus has a special kind of strong metal that protects it from getting damaged or hurt while it is driving around. It's kind of like a suit of armor that knights wore in the olden days to protect themselves in battles.

This kind of bus is used by important people, like leaders of countries or famous celebrities, when they need to go somewhere. They want to make sure they are safe and protected while they are traveling. So, they travel in an armored bus to protect them from things like bullets or other dangers that can hurt them.

The armored bus also has special features like extra thick windows that can't be broken easily and extra strong doors that keep them safe inside the bus. It might also have secret escape routes or other features to help them get away quickly if there is an emergency.

So, an armored bus is like a big, tough, and strong bus that protects important people while they travel. Just like how we wear helmets and pads to protect ourselves when we ride a bike or play sports.