Arthur Dale, also known as Arthurdale, is a town in West Virginia, USA. Back in the 1930s, the United States government started a program to help people who were struggling during the Great Depression. They wanted to create a new community for poor families where they could learn new skills and get good jobs.
So, they chose this area in West Virginia and named the town after the man who first suggested the idea, Arthur Morgan. The government built houses, schools, and farms for the families who lived there. They even had their own hospital and grocery store!
The families who moved to Arthur Dale were given jobs in the factories and on the farms. They were taught to be self-sufficient and learned skills like cooking, sewing, and farming. Kids had access to education and could play in the town's parks and playgrounds.
While the intention of the government was good, the program faced several challenges. Not everyone was happy with the idea of the government building a town for people. And, the community struggled financially over the years. Despite these challenges, the people of Arthurdale were proud of their community and worked hard to make it a great place to live.
Today, Arthurdale still exists as a small town with a rich history. People can visit the town and see what life was like for families who participated in this unique government program.