ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Artificial reefs in Japan

Imagine a big playground made of metal and concrete where fishes can live and play! That's what an artificial reef is. In Japan, people build these awesome playgrounds for fishes in the ocean because sometimes the ocean floor can get super boring and there's not much space for fishes to swim around.

Builders gather a bunch of old and unwanted materials like concrete blocks, steel pipes, and even discarded cars and ships! Then they bundle them all together and carefully place them on the ocean floor. They make sure that there are plenty of spaces for fishes to swim in and out of, and places for them to hide from danger.

Once the artificial reef is built, the fishes quickly adopt it and start living in it. It's like a new playground that they can explore and make their own! But it's not just fun for the fishes, it's also a good way to help the environment! The artificial reef provides a new habitat for marine creatures and helps to revive the ecosystem in that area.

So the next time you hear about an artificial reef in Japan, remember that it's a new home and a fun playground for the fishes to live in!