ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Artois (cloak)

Okay, imagine you are playing dress-up and you want to be a fancy prince or princess. You put on a beautiful dress or suit, but something is missing. You need something to keep you warm and cozy like a blanket, but it has to be fancy too, right? That's where the Artois cloak comes in!

The Artois cloak is a special type of cloak that was popular a long time ago, especially in France. It was named after a place called Artois where it was first made. The cloak is really big and covers your whole body, kind of like a fancy blanket with a hole for your head.

But what makes the Artois cloak so special is its beautiful look. It's usually made of a really fancy fabric like velvet or silk, and sometimes it even has embroidery or designs on it to make it extra special. It's like a really fancy dress or suit, but for staying cozy and warm.

So, next time you want to feel like a fancy prince or princess, just remember the Artois cloak - it's the perfect way to stay warm and fancy all at the same time!