ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Arts Council England

Arts Council England is a group of grown-ups who work together to help make sure people in England have lots of fun with different types of art. They help give money to artists, museums, and theaters who have cool ideas to make all kinds of art that people can enjoy.

Just like when you get pocket money to buy things you like, Arts Council England gives money to people who make art so that they can make bigger and better things that you can enjoy. They also help make sure that people all across England have the chance to enjoy art, not just in big cities but also in smaller towns and villages.

They like to make sure that people who have a hard time getting to see art, like people who are disabled or who live in a place where there isn't much art, can also have a chance to see and enjoy it too. Arts Council England is like a fairy godmother for art in England!