ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Hey kiddo! Arumah is a type of traditional house commonly found in Indonesia. It's kind of like a big treehouse, but it's not built on a tree, it's on stilts or pillars.

Arumah has a very unique architecture. It has a big roof that slopes downward to the sides and looks like a wide tent. Inside arumah, there's a big open space that can be used for different activities like cooking or sleeping. Usually, you have to climb stairs to get into the house.

The main idea behind building arumah on stilts is to keep the homeowners safe from floods and wild animals. Building the house above the ground, also allows the air to circulate better, making it cooler on hot days.

People in Indonesia have been living in arumah for centuries, and they have become a symbol of Indonesian culture and tradition. Nowadays, modern houses are being built in fancy styles that don't look like arumah, but some people still prefer to live in the traditional house because it has a rich history and is well adapted to the Indonesian climate and way of life.