ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Asbestos Mountains

Asbestos mountains are big piles of a substance called asbestos. Asbestos is a material that people used to use in buildings because it was very strong and could resist things like heat and fire. But, scientists found out that breathing in asbestos can be very bad for your health and make you sick. So, now people don't use asbestos anymore and they try to get rid of it when they find it in old buildings.

Sometimes, when people have to get rid of a lot of asbestos, they make big piles of it called asbestos mountains. These mountains can be really tall and look like big hills. They keep the asbestos in these mountains until they can find a safe way to get rid of it. It's important to make sure the asbestos doesn't spread around because it can be really harmful to people's health. So, people who work near asbestos mountains have to wear special clothes and masks to protect themselves. And, trucks that carry the asbestos away have to be covered up so the asbestos doesn't fly away and make people sick. In the end, getting rid of asbestos is a big job, but it's important to keep people safe and healthy.