ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Asceticism in Judaism

Asceticism is a big word that means someone who doesn’t do anything fun or enjoyable in order to be closer to God. In Judaism, asceticism is when people choose to live a simple life without a lot of fancy things or pleasures. They might not eat certain foods or have fancy clothes or things that they want.

Sometimes people practice asceticism because they believe it helps them be closer to God. By giving up fun or pleasurable things, they can focus on what’s really important, like helping others and praying.

Judaism doesn’t require people to practice asceticism, but some people choose to do it to feel closer to their faith. These people might live in small houses and only have a few possessions. They might fast, which means not eating or drinking anything, for certain days or times.

It’s important to remember that not everyone practices asceticism and it’s okay to enjoy things in life. Everybody has their own way of being close to God and living their faith.