ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Ashurism is a religion that was practiced by people who lived a long, long time ago in a place called Mesopotamia, which is now the modern-day Iraq. Think of it like a game or a club that people belong to, where they all agree to follow the same rules and beliefs.

The main idea behind Ashurism is that there is a god, called Ashur, who created everything and is very powerful. People who believed in Ashurism thought that it was important to follow certain rules to make Ashur happy, and that by doing so, they could have good luck and life would be better.

One of the important things that Ashurism followers did was to pray and make offerings to Ashur. They believed that this would show Ashur that they were grateful for what he had given them and that they wanted to stay on his good side. They would also visit temples, which were special buildings where they could worship Ashur and other gods.

Another important part of Ashurism was following rules. These rules were called laws, and they were a set of guidelines that people had to follow to be considered good Ashurism followers. The laws covered things like not stealing, not killing other people, and being kind to others.

Overall, Ashurism was a religion that helped people find meaning and purpose in their lives. It gave them a set of beliefs and practices to follow that helped connect them to something bigger than themselves. While it may not be as popular today as it was in ancient Mesopotamia, the ideas and principles of Ashurism continue to inspire people around the world.