ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Asphodel Meadows

Asphodel meadows are like a big garden that is said to be in the ancient Greek underworld. The ancient Greeks believed that when people died, their souls went to the underworld, and if they had lived a good life, they would go to the asphodel meadows.

The asphodel meadows were named after a flower called the asphodel plant. This flower was often seen growing in these meadows, and it was thought to represent the souls of the dead. The meadows were a nice place for the souls to rest after they died, and they were said to be full of beautiful flowers, grasses, and trees.

The asphodel meadows were also home to many different kinds of creatures. Some of the creatures were friendly, like the three-headed dog Cerberus who guarded the entrance to the underworld. Other creatures were more dangerous, like the Harpies who were half-bird and half-woman and would swoop down and steal food.

Overall, the asphodel meadows were thought to be a peaceful and beautiful place for the souls to spend eternity.