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Assam tea

Assam tea is a type of tea that comes from a place called Assam, which is a region in India. The tea leaves used to make Assam tea come from a special plant called the Camellia sinensis. This plant is grown in the tea gardens found in Assam.

To make Assam tea, the tea leaves are first picked and withered, which means they are left to dry out a little. Then, they are rolled to break down the cell walls of the leaves, which makes it easier for the tea to come out when it is brewed. After that, the leaves are fermented, which is a process that makes them turn a little bit darker and gives them their unique flavor.

Once the fermentation is done, the leaves are dried and sorted, which means they are separated by quality and size. The tea that is left is then packed into tea bags or sold as loose leaf tea.

Assam tea is known for its strong, malty flavor and dark color. It is often used to make chai or enjoyed with a splash of milk and sugar. People all over the world love Assam tea because of its unique taste, color, and aroma.