Assamese language is a way that people who live in a place called Assam in India talk to each other. Just like how you talk to your friends and family in your language, people in Assam talk in Assamese.
Assamese language has its own special way of writing. It has a special alphabet with lots of squiggles and lines. It's like drawing pictures that stand for sounds instead of pictures of objects like houses or trees.
Assamese language has been around for a really long time, even before there were phones or computers. People used to write letters to each other by hand, and they still do sometimes.
When people talk to each other in Assamese, they might use different words than the words you use in your language. For example, instead of saying "hello" like you might say in English, they might say "namaste" which means "hello" in Assamese.
People in Assam are proud of their language and they work hard to keep it alive. Schools in Assam teach students how to read and write in Assamese so they can learn about their culture and history.
Overall, Assamese language is something that people in Assam use to communicate with one another, and it's a part of their identity as a community.