ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Assassination of John F. Kennedy

Okay, so a long time ago, there was a man named John F. Kennedy who was the president of the United States. One day, he was riding in a car with his wife when all of a sudden, a very bad man shot him with a gun. Sadly, President Kennedy died because of the shot.

Many people were shocked and sad about this because President Kennedy was a very popular president and many people loved him. There were a lot of people who wanted to find out who did this and why they did it.

After investigating for a long time, the police found a man named Lee Harvey Oswald who they believed shot President Kennedy. However, before they could ask Oswald any questions, another man named Jack Ruby shot and killed Oswald.

People still don't know for sure who 100% caused President Kennedy's death or why they did it. Some people think it was a conspiracy (this means lots of people working together to plan something sneaky), but no one really knows for sure.

Overall, it was a very sad and confusing time for a lot of people in America.