ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp

Imagine you are playing a game. In the game, you have certain rules that you have to follow. Sometimes, the people who make the rules can make mistakes or do things that don't seem fair. When this happens, you might feel like it's not right or fair to you.

Now, imagine that there is a big company that wants to build a movie theater in a town. But the people who make the rules in the town, called the Wednesbury Corporation, say that the company can't build the theater. The company thinks that this is not fair and goes to a court to try and change the decision.

In the court, the judge has to decide if the Wednesbury Corporation made a mistake or if their decision was unfair. The judge uses a rule called the "Wednesbury test" to make this decision. This test says that the decision of the Wednesbury Corporation can only be changed if it's really, really, really not fair or if they made a really, really, really big mistake.

The judge looks at all the information and decides that the Wednesbury Corporation's decision was not fair, so they have to change it. The judge says that the Wednesbury Corporation didn't think about all the important things before making their decision. They didn't consider all the facts and didn't make a fair decision.

This court case, called Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corp, is important because it helps to make sure that the people who make the rules in a town or city have to be fair and make good decisions. It's like a check to make sure that they are doing their job properly and not doing things that are really unfair to others.