ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Association for Learned and Professional Society Publishers

Imagine you have a group of grown-ups who love to read and learn new things. They also like to share what they learn with other people who are interested in the same things. So, they decided to create a club called the Association for Learned and Professional Society Publishers.

This club is like a group of friends who work together to make sure people can find and read really good books and articles about different topics, like science, history, and art. These books and articles are written by people who know a lot about those topics, and are called "professionals."

Some of the club members belong to societies that are focused on one particular topic. For example, there might be a society of people who love studying plants, or another society for people who want to learn about new technologies in medicine.

The club helps these societies by making it easier for people to find their books and articles. They also make sure that everything is done in a fair and honest way, so that everyone who wants to read these materials can do so without any problems.

In short, the Association for Learned and Professional Society Publishers is a group of grown-ups who work together to help people learn new things by making it easy to find the best books and articles written by professionals who are experts in their fields.