ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Association for Supply Chain Management

The Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM) is like a big club for people who work in a certain part of a business called the supply chain. The supply chain is like a big puzzle that has to be figured out so that a company can get the things they need to make their products or services, and then deliver those products or services to the people who want them.

ASCM helps all the people who work in the supply chain to work together better so they can do their jobs well. They teach people things like how to choose good suppliers who will give them what they need on time, how to move products or services from place to place in a safe and efficient way, and how to make sure that everything is done in a way that customers will be happy.

Being a part of ASCM means that you get to learn more about how to do your job better, and you get to meet other people who do the same things you do. You can share ideas and help each other out, which makes things easier and better for everyone.