ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Association of MBAs

The Association of MBAs (AMBA) is like a big club for people who have completed an MBA program. Imagine you love playing soccer and join a soccer club so you can play soccer with other people who also love it. In the same way, people who finish their MBA can join AMBA to connect with other MBA graduates and get benefits that could help them in their professional careers.

AMBA helps MBA graduates in many different ways. They provide access to career development resources, such as job openings, career advice, and networking opportunities. Just as you join your soccer team to meet other people who love soccer, MBA graduates can use AMBA to make contacts and meet other people who are also educated in business and management.

AMBA also works to improve education standards in MBA programs. Just as a coach helps you to improve your soccer skills, AMBA helps business schools to improve their teaching methods and programs so MBA graduates can get the best education possible.

Overall, membership in AMBA is all about networking, education, and career development. It's a big club for MBA graduates to join and get benefits that can help them achieve their professional goals.