ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Asymptotic stability

Asymptotic stability is like trying to balance a stack of blocks. When the blocks are balanced, it means they are in a stable position and won't fall over unless something big comes along and knocks them over.

In the same way, we use the term "asymptotic stability" to describe when a system (like a math equation or a physical structure) is balanced and won't fall apart unless something big disrupts it.

Think of it like trying to walk across a narrow board. If you're wobbling back and forth a lot, you're not very stable and you could fall off pretty easily. But if you're standing still and not wobbling at all, you're very stable and it would take something big to knock you off.

Asymptotic stability is like being that carefully balanced person on the narrow board, and it means the system is not going to be easily knocked off balance.