ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Atari ST character set

Atari ST character set is a collection of fun and cool pictures (called characters) that the Atari ST computer can show on your screen. These pictures are like special LEGO blocks that the computer puts together to make words and sentences that we can read.

Just like you have a set of alphabets that you learn in school to read and write, the Atari ST computer also has a set of characters that it uses to show things on the screen. These characters include all the letters of the alphabet, numbers from 0 to 9, and some special characters like $, #, and @.

The Atari ST computer has a set of instructions that tell it how to put these characters together to make words and sentences. When you type something on the keyboard or when you run a program on the computer, the computer uses these instructions to display the characters in the order that you typed them or as per the instructions given in the program.

Different countries have different sets of alphabets and characters. So, the Atari ST character set also has different versions for different countries. For example, in some countries, words have special characters like á, é, ñ, etc. So, the Atari ST character set for those countries includes these characters too.

In summary, the Atari ST character set is a collection of fun pictures that the computer uses to show words and sentences on the screen. It includes all the alphabets, numbers, and some special characters that we use to communicate with each other, and it has different versions for different countries.