ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Atelectotrauma is when parts of your lungs collapse because the air inside them is not moving properly. Imagine your lungs like balloons, that you blow air into to make them bigger. If the air doesn't move into all parts of the balloon, one part might stay small and not work properly. This is what happens in atelectotrauma. When some parts of your lung collapse, it's harder to breathe and get enough oxygen.

This can happen when you're on a ventilator, which is like a special machine that helps you breathe. Sometimes, when you're using a ventilator, the air that goes in doesn't reach all parts of your lungs evenly, which can cause some parts to collapse if they don't get enough air. If this happens, it's important for doctors to take care of it right away so that you can keep breathing properly and get the oxygen your body needs.