ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Athari is a word used to describe people who follow a certain way of thinking about religion. Think of it like a game, where there are different rules and strategies for how to play. Atharis are like players who believe in following the rules very strictly, without adding any of their own interpretations or ideas.

For example, imagine that there is a story in a religious book that says, "Thou shalt not kill." If you are an Athari, you would take this rule very seriously and believe that it means exactly what it says - you should never, ever kill another person, no matter what. You would not add any of your own ideas, like maybe it's okay to kill in certain circumstances or for certain reasons.

Overall, Atharis tend to believe that the most important thing is to follow the original teachings of their religion exactly, without making any changes or interpretations. They usually do not accept any new ideas or beliefs that are not supported by the religious texts or traditions.