ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Atheism in the African diaspora

Okay, so imagine you and your friends all lived in the same town for a long time. Then one day, some of your friends moved to a different town far away. But even though they're far away, they still talk to you and you still know them.

That's what the African diaspora is - a long time ago, lots of people from Africa were taken away from their homes and brought to different parts of the world, like the Americas or the Caribbean. But even though they're far away, they still have some connections to Africa and they still think of themselves as part of that same big group of people.

Now, some people in the African diaspora don't believe in any gods or religions. They don't think there's a higher power or any spirits controlling the world. They call themselves atheists.

Being an atheist as part of the African diaspora can be challenging because a lot of African cultures have strong connections to religion and spirituality. It can be hard to explain to your family or community why you don't believe in those things.

But it's also important to remember that everyone has the right to their own beliefs, and just because you're from a certain place or culture doesn't mean you have to believe the same things as everyone else.