ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Atlanta Nights

Atlanta Nights is a silly book that was written by a bunch of people who wanted to see if they could trick a publishing company into publishing a really, really bad book. They wrote it as a joke and wanted to see if a real book publisher would be fooled into thinking it was a good book and publish it.

The book was full of silly things like characters with ridiculous names, crazy plot twists, and made-up words. The characters were all really strange, and the things that they did didn't make sense. The book was intentionally written to be terrible so that it would be very obvious that it was a joke.

Eventually, the book was submitted to a real publishing company, and they accepted it! But the people who wrote the book had a plan: they would reveal that the book was a prank after it was published. And that's exactly what they did! The book was a huge success, and people all over the world laughed when they found out that it was intentionally bad.

So, to put it simply, Atlanta Nights is a book that was written as a joke to see if a publishing company would fall for it, and it was very funny when they did.