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Atlantis in comics

Atlantis is a made-up place that exists in comic books. It is a very special city underwater where people with special abilities or powers live. These people are also known as "Atlanteans."

Atlantis is ruled by a king, who is usually a superhero in the comics. The king is responsible for making important decisions for the Atlanteans and for keeping them safe.

Atlantis is a very advanced city, and the Atlanteans have access to technologies that most people on the surface of the earth do not have. For example, they have underwater vehicles that can travel faster than the speed of sound, and they have advanced weapons that can shoot lasers.

The people of Atlantis are very different from humans. They have gills and can breathe underwater, and they can move through the water very quickly. They are also very strong and have a heightened sense of hearing and sight.

Some comic book characters that are associated with Atlantis include Aquaman and Namor the Sub-Mariner. These characters are known for their underwater abilities and their connections to Atlantis.

In the comics, Atlantis is often threatened by outside forces, such as evil villains who want to take over the city or destroy it. The Atlanteans have to work together to protect their home and keep everyone safe.

Overall, Atlantis is a fascinating place in the world of comics, full of unique characters and exciting adventures!