ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Atlas (mythology)

Okay kiddo, have you heard about Greek mythology? Well, Atlas was a really important figure in that mythology. He was a giant who was responsible for holding up the sky! Sounds amazing, right?

Now, let me tell you a story about how Atlas got to holding up the sky. Once upon a time, there was a war between the Titans (which was a group of powerful beings) and the Gods. Atlas was on the side of the Titans, but they lost the war. As punishment, the mighty God Zeus forced Atlas to hold up the sky on his shoulders for all of eternity!

Now, since Atlas had to hold up the sky, he had to stand in one place for a very long time. You can imagine how hard that must have been for him. But, because he was so strong, he managed to do it! And that's how the world works - Atlas is still holding up the sky today and keeping everything stable.

In ancient times, when people traveled, they used maps to help them find their way. And guess what, Atlas was also known for making maps! He was considered to be the first geographer because he created really accurate maps of the world. So, in summary, Atlas was a giant from Greek mythology who holds the sky on his shoulders and also was the first person to create really detailed maps!
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