ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Atmospheric ghost lights

Hi there! Do you know what the atmosphere is? It's the air that surrounds the Earth, and it's made up of different gases like oxygen and nitrogen. Sometimes, when there's a lot of heat or energy in the atmosphere, it can create something called ghost lights. These are glowing orbs that float around in the air, and they can look a little bit spooky!

But don't worry, these ghost lights aren't actually ghosts. They're just a natural phenomenon that happens because of the way light travels through the atmosphere. You see, when light from the sun hits the Earth's atmosphere, it can get scattered in all different directions. And sometimes, that scattered light can combine in a way that makes these glowing orbs called ghost lights.

Now, the reason they're called ghost lights is because they often appear in places where there aren't any people or buildings around. So it can seem like they're just floating there by themselves, like a spooky ghost!

But the truth is, atmospheric ghost lights are just a really cool example of how our planet works. They're a natural way for us to see the energy and light that's all around us, and they're a reminder that even the air we breathe can be full of surprises. Pretty cool, huh?