Attachment style is like how you feel when someone leaves you or when you meet someone new. It's like if you have a backpack, and when someone is nice to you or helps you, you get a happy little rock to put in your backpack. But if someone is mean to you or makes you scared, you get a sad or scared little rock to put in your backpack.
Some people have a secure attachment style. This means they trust that people will be nice to them and help them when they need it. They get more happy rocks than sad rocks in their backpack, so they feel pretty good about themselves and other people.
Other people might have an anxious attachment style. This means they worry that people might leave them or not like them, so they get more sad rocks than happy rocks in their backpack. They might feel like they need constant reassurance from others to feel okay.
And some people might have an avoidant attachment style. This means they protect themselves by not relying on other people, so they don't get any rocks in their backpack at all. They might feel like they don't need anyone else and can handle things on their own.
All of these attachment styles come from the experiences we have with other people when we're little and growing up. But no matter what attachment style we have, we can learn to feel more secure and happy in our relationships with others as we grow up and learn more about ourselves.