ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Attachment therapy

Attachment therapy is a special kind of therapy that helps kids who have a difficult time connecting with their parents or other caregivers.

Think of it like building a puzzle. Kids need to have a good connection with their parents or caregivers to feel safe and secure. But sometimes, for various reasons, this connection is not as strong as it needs to be. This can happen for different reasons like problems during pregnancy, separation from birth parents, or even just difficult early life experiences.

Attachment therapy helps the child and their parents or caregivers build a stronger connection by having the child interact with them in specific ways. For example, the therapist might have the child and parent play a game where the child has to look the parent in the eye and smile or hug. By doing this repeatedly, the child begins to feel more comfortable and safe with their parent.

The therapy can also involve things like talking about feelings, learning how to express emotions in healthy ways, and practicing how to interact with others in a kind and caring way.

Overall, attachment therapy helps kids feel more connected to their parents and caregivers, which helps them feel more safe and secure in the world. It's like putting together all the pieces of the puzzle so that everything fits just right.