ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Audio mixing

Audio mixing is like baking a cake. You have different ingredients like flour, sugar, eggs, and milk. Just like that, audio mixing has different elements like vocals, instruments, drums, and bass.

The audio engineer or producer is like the baker who takes all these ingredients and mixes them together. They use a special machine called a mixer, which is like a big bowl.

The mixer has different knobs and buttons, which are like the measuring cups and spoons the baker uses to add the right amount of each ingredient. The audio engineer uses these knobs and buttons to adjust the volume, tone, and effects of each element.

Just like a baker would taste the batter to make sure it’s delicious, the audio engineer listens to the mix to make sure everything sounds good together. They tweak the mix until it’s perfect, just like a baker would adjust the ingredients until the cake is just right.

Audio mixing is like magic – it takes all the individual elements and blends them together into one beautiful creation. When you listen to a song, you’re hearing the result of a skilled audio engineer’s work.