ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Augment (Bantu languages)

Okay kiddo, so when we talk about the word "augment" in the Bantu languages, we are talking about adding a little extra sound at the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

It's kind of like when you add "un" to a word in English to make it mean the opposite. For example, "happy" means feeling good, but "unhappy" means feeling sad.

In Bantu languages, we add a little sound at the beginning of a word to change its meaning. This sound is usually a vowel, like "a" or "e".

For example, the word "funda" in Zulu means "to read". But if we add the augment "ku-", we get "kufunda", which means "to teach".

So you see, by adding just one little vowel sound, we can completely change the meaning of a word in Bantu languages!