ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Augustin Barruel

Okay kiddo, let me tell you a story about a guy named Augustin Barruel. He was a man who lived a long time ago, in the 18th century. He was a writer and a politician from France, a country far away from here.

Augustin Barruel was very interested in a group of people called the Illuminati. These people were like a secret club or organization that was very powerful and influential. They had a lot of secrets and nobody really knew what they were up to.

One day, Augustin Barruel wrote a book about the Illuminati. He said that they were trying to take over the world, and that they were doing bad things to make that happen. He said that they were spreading things like atheism and revolutionary ideas, and that they wanted to destroy Christianity and the Church.

A lot of people were scared by what Augustin Barruel wrote, and some of them believed him. They thought that the Illuminati were a real threat to society, and that they needed to be stopped.

However, not everyone agreed with Augustin Barruel. Some people said that he was just making things up to scare people, and that the Illuminati weren't really that big of a deal. They said that he was just trying to gain fame and attention for himself by writing this book.

So, in the end, nobody really knows for sure whether Augustin Barruel was right or not about the Illuminati. But his book did make a big impact on history, and it helped to shape people's opinions about secret societies and conspiracies.