ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Augustin-Louis Cauchy

Augustin-Louis Cauchy was a man who lived a long time ago and was really good at math. He was from France and he lived in the 1800s. He was so good at math that people still talk about him today!

Cauchy was really interested in figuring out how to solve math problems, like adding and subtracting, but with big numbers and symbols. He worked really hard to come up with ways to do this, and he even made up his own equations and symbols to make it easier.

One of the things that Cauchy is most famous for is something called the Cauchy-Riemann equations. These are really complicated equations that have to do with how different things change over time, and they are used in a lot of fields, like engineering and physics. But Cauchy made them easier to understand by breaking them down into smaller pieces that people could understand better.

Cauchy also came up with a lot of other math ideas, like something called the Cauchy integral theorem, which is all about how to calculate really complicated things using not-so-complicated formulas. He also studied how numbers work and how they relate to one another.

Overall, Cauchy was a really smart guy who worked really hard to figure out how to do really complicated math problems. And the things he came up with are still really important in math today!