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Australian Aboriginal artefacts

Australian Aboriginal artefacts are things that the Indigenous people of Australia made a long time ago. These artefacts can be anything from a painted rock to a boomerang, which is a special kind of throwing stick that comes back to you when you throw it.

The Aboriginal people used these artefacts for many different things. They used boomerangs for hunting, to throw at animals that they wanted to catch. They also used them for fighting, as a weapon to protect themselves. The Aboriginal people were very skilled at making boomerangs, and they would make them in different shapes depending on what they were going to use them for.

Other artefacts that the Aboriginal people made include spears, didgeridoos, and coolamons. A spear is a long stick with a pointed end that they used for hunting or fishing. A didgeridoo is a special kind of musical instrument that is made out of a long hollow piece of wood, and it makes a really cool sound when you blow into it. A coolamon is a small bowl that they used to carry food and water.

Aboriginal people also made art out of natural materials, like rocks, ochre and bark. They would paint pictures on rocks and make beautiful patterns on their boomerangs and spears. These paintings were often used to tell stories or show important things in the Aboriginal culture.

Nowadays, Aboriginal artefacts are very important to the culture of Australia. We can learn a lot about the history and traditions of the Aboriginal people by studying these artefacts, and they are treasured by the Aboriginal community as an important part of their heritage.