ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian Commendations and Citations

Okay, so imagine that you did something really great, like cleaning up all your toys without being asked. Your parents might say, "Wow, good job!" and give you a high-five or a sticker. That's kind of like a commendation in Australia.

But sometimes, people do things that are really, really, really great, like saving someone's life or doing something really brave. When that happens, the government might give them a special award called a citation. It's like a fancy medal that you wear on your clothes to show everyone that you did something really, really, really great.

There are different levels of citations, just like there are different levels of difficulty when it comes to cleaning up your toys. The highest level is called the Victoria Cross, and it's only given out to people who do something incredibly brave in a war. Other levels include the Star of Courage, the Bravery Medal, and the Commendation for Brave Conduct.

So basically, commendations and citations are ways for the government to say, "You did something really great, and we're proud of you!" Just like how your parents are proud of you when you clean up your toys without being asked.