ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian Copyright Council

The Australian Copyright Council is like a grown-up helper who makes sure that people follow the rules when they create and use things like books, songs, movies, and other kinds of art.

It's like when you play a game with your friends and you agree on rules, so everyone has a fair play. The Copyright Council helps people understand the rules and make sure everyone plays by them.

When someone creates a book, movie, or song, they own it because they made it. Just like when you draw a picture or build a tower with Lego - it's yours! And nobody else can use it, copy it or play with it without your permission. That is called Copyright.

The Copyright Council makes sure people know about these rules and helps them figure out what they can and can't do. For example, if you want to use someone else's song in a dance performance or a school project, you need to get their permission first. The Council helps you understand how to do that.

The Council also helps people who create things, like writers or musicians, know their rights. This means that they can make sure that nobody else copies or uses their work without permission. And if someone does, the Copyright Council can help them take action to stop it.

So, in summary, the Australian Copyright Council helps people understand the rules of Copyright, and makes sure that everyone follows them so that things like books, songs, and movies continue to be created and shared fairly.