ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian Dance Awards

Hey there kiddo! Have you ever heard of dancing? It's where people move their bodies in different ways to music and it can be really fun to watch!

Well, in Australia, they have a special event called the Australian Dance Awards. It's like an awards show just for dancing!

They give out awards to people who are really good at dancing and who have done amazing performances. It's like a big celebration of all the cool and creative things that people can do with their bodies.

There are lots of different categories for awards, like "Best Female Dancer" and "Best Choreography." Basically, they're giving out prizes to different people who have done awesome things in the world of dance.

It's a really cool event because it helps promote and celebrate the art of dancing. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to go and see it in person and get inspired to become a great dancer yourself!