ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Australian Jewish Democratic Society

Okay, imagine you're playing a game with your friends, and you all have different ideas about how to play the game. Some of you want to play one way, and some of you want to play another way. You could argue and fight, or you could all work together to come up with a way to play that everyone is happy with. That's kind of what the Australian Jewish Democratic Society is trying to do.

They are a group of people who all belong to the Jewish community in Australia, but they have different ideas about what it means to be Jewish and how to live their lives as Jews. They don't want to fight about it or say that one way is better than another. Instead, they want to talk to each other and try to find ways that they can all feel included and respected.

It's kind of like when you're playing with your toys and your friend wants to play with a different toy than you do. You might say, "Okay, let's take turns playing with each one," or "Let's find a way to play together with both toys." That's what the Australian Jewish Democratic Society is doing. They are trying to find ways to make everyone feel like they belong and that their ideas are important.