ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association

Okay, so there is a group of people who really like studying languages. They especially like studying a group of languages called Austronesian languages. These languages are spoken in countries like Indonesia, the Philippines, and Polynesia.

The group of people who study these languages have a name for their club or association - they call it the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association.

Basically, they get together and talk about how these languages are structured and how people use them to communicate. They use big words like "syntax" and "phonology" to describe the different parts of language.

They also try to figure out how these languages are related to each other. It's like figuring out how some families have similar last names because they are related to each other. They try to see if Austronesian languages have similar structures or words because they might have come from the same language a long time ago.

So, in summary, a group of people who love studying languages have created a group to talk about Austronesian languages in detail and figure out how they are related to each other.