ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Autism Diagnostic Interview

An autism diagnostic interview is like going to the doctor to get a checkup, but instead of checking your body, the doctor is asking questions to understand how your brain works. The doctor asks questions about the way you think, feel, and act to see if you might have autism.

Sometimes when people have autism, they experience things differently than others, like seeing, hearing, or feeling things more intensely. They may also have trouble with communication and social interactions. The doctor will ask questions about how you communicate with others, like if you have trouble starting or continuing conversations, or if you have trouble understanding what others mean when they talk to you.

The doctor might also ask about your interests and hobbies and if you have any routines or rituals that you like to do every day. Sometimes, people with autism have very specific interests and routines that are important to them.

The autism diagnostic interview is done with an adult who knows you very well, like a parent, grandparent, or teacher. This person can help answer questions that you might not be able to answer yourself.

After the doctor finishes asking questions, they will use the information to decide if you have autism or not. If they think you do, they will talk to you and your family about what kind of support and help you might need to be successful in school and in life.