ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


An autodialer is like a magic phone that can call lots of people all by itself without needing someone to do it. Imagine you want to invite all your friends to your birthday party, but you don't want to call each one yourself. You could use an autodialer to do it for you.

So, how does it work? First, you need to tell the autodialer all the phone numbers you want it to call. Then you tell it what you want it to say when someone answers the phone. This is called a message.

Once you have given it all the phone numbers and the message, you press a button and the autodialer starts calling. It dials each number one by one and when someone answers, it plays the message to them.

Autodialers are often used by companies to call people and give them important information or to sell them things. It saves them time because they don't have to call everyone themselves. But sometimes people don't like it because they think it's annoying to get a call from a machine instead of a real person.