ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automated synthesis

Automated synthesis is like having a helper that can make things for you automatically. It's like having a robot that can follow a set of instructions to mix different chemicals together and make a new substance.

Imagine that you want to make a cake. You need to mix flour, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients together in the right amounts. If you were to do this by yourself, you would have to measure out each ingredient carefully and mix them together manually. But with automated synthesis, you can use a machine to do all these steps for you.

The machine can take the ingredients you need and mix them together in the right way, using precise measurements and following a set of instructions. This makes things much easier and faster, and it can also help ensure that the final product is consistent and high-quality every time.

Scientists use automated synthesis to make new drugs, plastics, and other materials. By automating the process, they can create new substances that are not possible to make by hand alone. It's a powerful tool that makes scientific research and development faster and more efficient.