ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automorphic function

An automorphic function is like a magic trick for numbers. You know how when you use a mirror, the things you see reflected in the mirror look the same, but are flipped around? That's a bit like what an automorphic function does. Except instead of reflecting things in a mirror, it reflects them across some weird curved surface. But when you plug a number into an automorphic function, it comes out looking exactly the same as before, but maybe moved around or flipped over.

For example, let's say we have an automorphic function that flips numbers over like a pancake. If we put in the number 1234, it would come out the other side looking like 4321. But no matter what number we put in, it will always come out looking the same as before, just flipped around a bit.

Smart people who study math use automorphic functions to help them understand complicated shapes and patterns. It's like they are looking at things in a funhouse mirror, but instead of being confused, they can see patterns and connections that they couldn't see before. It's kind of like a secret code that only smart people can read.