ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Automotive engineering

Automotive engineering is like making a big toy car with lots of different parts that work together to make it go. First, engineers think about what kind of car they want to make, like a small car or a big truck. Then they design how the car will look and what things it needs, like seats, wheels, and an engine.

Next, they make lots of drawings and plans to show how each part of the car will be made and where it will go. They use lots of math to make sure everything fits together just right.

When they're done planning, they start making the parts of the car. They use big machines to stamp out metal sheets for the body and tiny machines to create computer chips for the car's brain.

Finally, they put all the parts of the car together like a big puzzle. They make sure everything is connected correctly and test the car to make sure it works. Then it's ready to be driven on the road!

Automotive engineers are always trying to make cars better and safer. They think of new ways to make cars go faster, use less fuel, and pollute less. They also make sure cars have all the safety features they need, like seat belts and airbags, to keep people safe on the road.