ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Awá-Guajá people

Awá-guajá people are a group of humans who live in the Amazon rainforest in South America. They are a tribe of indigenous people who have their own language, culture, and way of life.

The Awá-guajá people live in small villages and hunt and gather their food from the forest. They rely on the resources of the forest to survive, such as plants and animals. They use special skills, like being able to climb trees and track animals, to find food. They also make their own clothing and tools from materials they find in the forest.

The Awá-guajá people have faced challenges in recent years as their land and resources have been taken away by outside people. This has caused problems for their way of life and their ability to survive. Many people are working to help protect the Awá-guajá people and their land, so they can continue to live as they have for thousands of years.