Okay kiddo, so back in a long time ago, there was this city called Rome. It was a really important city where many people lived and it was also the center of power for an empire. But sometimes, people had to leave Rome and go somewhere else for different reasons.
So, when we say "Away from Rome!" we mean going to a place that is not Rome. Just like when you go to school or your friend's house, you are going away from your home.
People would leave Rome for different reasons, like to visit a different city, to fight wars in other places, or because they were traveling for work or trade. It was important for them to be able to leave Rome and come back safely, so they had to plan their trips carefully and make sure they had the right resources like food, water, and protection.
Today, people still use the phrase "Away from Rome!" to mean going somewhere else. It's just a way to express that you're leaving one place and going to another. Does that make sense, kid?