ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

BBC Television

BBC television is a special service that lets you watch lots of different shows and programs on your TV at home. It's made by a really big company that's called the British Broadcasting Corporation, or BBC for short.

This company has been around for a long time (since 1922!) and it makes lots of different things you can watch and listen to on the radio, on TV, and on the internet. But when we talk about BBC television, we're talking about the special channels that only show programs made by the BBC team.

There are lots of different channels to choose from, and they all have different types of shows to watch. Some channels are just for kids, so you can watch fun cartoons and educational videos. Others are for grown-ups, and they show lots of dramas, documentaries, and news stories from all over the world.

To watch BBC television, you need to have a special device that's called a TV set. You also need to have a special antenna or cable that connects your TV to the internet or to a satellite dish. This lets you tune in to the BBC channels and start watching all the great shows they have to offer.

But you don't have to just watch them live! BBC television also has a special app that you can download on your phone, tablet, or computer. This lets you watch shows on-demand, which means you can pick from a huge library of different programs and watch them whenever you like.

So that's BBC television in a nutshell. It's a special service that lets you watch lots of different shows and programs on your TV, and it's made by a big company called the BBC. Whether you're a kid or a grown-up, there's something for everyone to enjoy!