ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Ba–Shu culture

Ba-shu culture is a special type of culture that is practiced by a group of people in China. Imagine that Ba-shu culture is like a big box of different things that make the Ba-shu people special and unique. Inside this box, there are different parts that are all put together to create the Ba-shu culture.

One part of the box is the food that the Ba-shu people eat. They often eat foods like spicy hotpot, rabbit meat, and Sichuan-style dishes that make their taste buds very happy. Another part of the box is the language that they speak, which is a little different from other languages in China. It might sound like a secret code to people who don't speak it!

The Ba-shu people also have their own traditions, which are like special things they do on important days. For example, they celebrate the New Year by hanging up bright red lanterns and eating a special dish called yuanxiao. They also have a festival called the Water-Splashing Festival where everyone throws water on each other to start the new year fresh and clean.

Even the clothes that Ba-shu people wear are special and different from other cultures. They use bright colors and intricate designs to make their clothes stand out and show off their unique style.

In summary, Ba-shu culture is like a big box of different things that the Ba-shu people do, eat, wear, and say that make them special and unique. It's like a secret club that only they know about, and it's something that they are very proud of!