Babbitt metal is a type of metal that is used to make bearings. Bearings are like the wheels inside of a machine that help it move smoothly. Think of it like a toy car that you push. The wheels on the car make it move smoothly across the floor, and bearings do the same thing but inside of a machine.
Babbitt metal is made up of three main metals: tin, copper, and antimony. They are melted together and then poured into a mold to make the bearing shape. Once the metal has cooled, it becomes hard and strong, which is important because the bearing needs to support a lot of weight and move around quickly without breaking.
When the bearing is put into the machine, it gets covered in oil to help it move even smoother. This oil also helps to reduce heat from the friction caused by the bearing moving against other parts of the machine.
Overall, babbitt metal is a special type of metal that helps machines move smoothly, and it's made up of tin, copper, and antimony.