ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Baja California wine industry

Do you know what grape juice is? Well, when grown-ups let those grapes sit in the sun for a loooong time and add some special things, it becomes wine. And in a special place called Baja California, in Mexico, some very smart grown-ups figured out how to make really yummy wine using grapes that grow there.

See, Baja California is a place where it's hot and sunny most of the time, and that's the kind of weather that grapes need to become great wine. So, people who live there start by planting grapevines in the soil, which is like a big bag of dirt where things grow. They have to take care of the grapevines by watering them with just the right amount of water, so they grow big and strong, just like you need to eat healthy food to grow big and strong.

When the grapes are ready, they have to be picked by hand, so people can make sure every single grape is perfect. Then, the grapes are mashed and the juice is taken out, so it can start to turn into wine. And that's when the special magic happens. The grape juice is mixed with special yeast that makes it turn into wine. After that, grown-ups have to wait a long time before they can drink the wine because the wine needs time to get even better.

The Baja California wine industry is famous because people from all over the world love to try their wine. It's like a big secret, and only people who know about it get to taste the really yummy wine. So it's important that the grown-ups in Baja California keep working hard and taking care of the grapevines, so they can make even more delicious wine for everyone to enjoy.